Industry Specific Logistics Solutions

Bespoke Solutions For Your Industry

At Accel Global We Understand That Not All Industries Have The Same Needs, Nor All Commodities Should Be Handled The Same Way.
We Carefully Study Each Industry And We Tailor-make The Right Solution For It.
Vegetable Storage


We employ our multi-transportation model that combines reefer containers, reefer trucks and temperature-controlled air services with the right storage in between to insure your goods remain fresh.



Understand how vital it is to never be off the shelves, our team is always ready to move, store, pack, bundle and distribute your goods just in time for your next campaign. We monitor your stocks and flag.

Petrol Cans


Our long experience handling freight and logistics of chemicals means you are on for a hassle-free experience. Our team of DG experts will assess your products and identify the class they belong to, required documentation.



When it comes to pharmaceuticals, compliance with regulations ensuring medicine and other pharmaceuticals are not exposed to conditions that can affect their efficiency can literally be a life-or-death matter.

Living Rooms


There is nothing worse than new furniture that looks old. We are strategically located in furniture production hubs were offer a host of logistics services with furniture industry specialists across Americas.

MakeUp sets


For years we have been trusted by some of  biggest name in industry. We offer well-established and active logistics able to cope with growing need of supply so that you are always ready for launch new collection.

Connect with an Expert

We’d love to use our experience with warehousing to support your business, add value, and
optimize your supply chain. Let’s connect about the ways we can help.
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Give us a call or fill in the form below and our team will contact you. We answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.